These Recording King professional resonator guitars are competitively priced to give you the best price for a bell brass tricone resonator. The tricone is unique in that it has three 6” aluminum cones that transfer the sound through the body of the guitar.
The cones are positioned with two on the bass side of the guitar and one on the treble side. This is important for EQ balancing and as such, our tricone is characterized by a sweeter, warmer, if not a bit softer sound than the single cone.
This tricone also has a T-shaped bridge rather than the normal biscuit bridge found on a single cone. The T-shaped bridge is connected to the center of each cone so that when the strings are hit, the vibrations run through the saddle and then into the bridge. Here, the sound resonates inside the three different cones, which are then amplified throughout the body. The tricone configuration gives these guitars a distinct tone and long sustain characterized by brilliant overtones and a natural ambiance only found in resonator instruments.
